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Sisters of Mercy


-Catherine McAuley






格温内德慈悲学院高中是美洲慈悲修女会的赞助部,是美洲慈悲修女会的成员 Mercy Education.


请花点时间阅读慈悲修女会的日常生活,以及她们今天如何在天主教会和世界各地执行凯瑟琳麦考利的服务使命. 看看你可以如何通过慈善志愿者公司参与一年改变人生的经历.

全世界所有仁爱修女会的根源都可以追溯到我们的创始人, Catherine McAuley, an Irish Catholic laywoman.


Spending her inheritance, 她在都柏林的下巴格特街开设了第一家仁爱院, Ireland on September 24, 1827, a place to shelter and educate women and girls. 凯瑟琳的初衷是组建一支由天主教社会工作者组成的外行队伍. 对她的良好工作和持续事工的重要性印象深刻, 都柏林大主教建议她建立一个宗教集会. Three years later on December 12, 1831, 凯瑟琳和两个同伴成为了第一个仁爱修女会.

In the 10 years between the founding and her death, 她在爱尔兰和英格兰建立了14个独立基金会.

Visit Mercy International Association’s website 阅读更多关于凯瑟琳的生活和册封她为圣徒的事业.

Sisters of Mercy in America

1843年,第一批仁爱修女会应匹兹堡主教的邀请从爱尔兰来到美国, Pennsylvania. 他们在照顾病人和经济贫困方面的精力吸引了如此多的新成员,到1854年, sisters had come from Ireland to settle in New York City; Chicago, Illinois; Little Rock, Arkansas; and San Francisco, California, 遍布全国,建立学校和医院. Since then, 仁慈的工作已经扩展到教育, 今天在数百个地点提供医疗保健、牧师和社会服务.

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Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns

慈悲修女会是出于对穷人的深切关怀而成立的. Today, that commitment is focused in five “critical concerns” that we address through prayer; attention to personal, communal and institutional choices; education; advocacy with legislators and other government leaders; and corporate engagement.